Action Track USA will “Return to Racing in Memory of Gregg Newkirk this Wednesday June 24th.
Action Track USA will “Return to Racing in Memory of Gregg Newkirk this Wednesday June 24th. Mikey Schauer of the Fan Zone Grill and Diana Newkirk have added some bonus money to the Hyper Racing / Evo Injection 600 Sprint purse bringing it up to $1000 w/gamblers. Both 2nd and 3rd have an increase as well. The registration will remain at only $20.
We would like to WELCOME BACK all of our wonderful Racers, Fans, and Staff. Action Track USA have a full card of the All Pro USAC SpeedSTR’s, the always exciting Hyper Racing/EVO Injection 600 Sprints, and the All Star Slingshots.
We have all been waiting for this day far too long and it is finally here. Remember we do plan to utilize Thursday rain dates through out the season.
Our great racers will continue to get National Recognition through SpeedShift TV.
This event and all events are WITH FANS!
We will see you all opening night June 24th at Action Track USA!!!
No photo description available.